Friday, September 24, 2010

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Negotiation: The Art of Getting What You Want - Free Ebook

Negotiation: The Art of Getting What You Want - Free Ebook

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


“The ancient Greeks
believed in teaching people to think
We train our young
to simply do as they are told”
Right from my days in high school I’ve always question the efficacy of the formal educational system. I have always wondered why formal education was so important? Why is it so important when it seemed like most of the richest people and the most successful entrepreneurs in our world either didn’t go to the university or dropped out of it?
Here are just a few examples;
Bill Gates dropped out of Harvard to pursue his dream of Microsoft.
Michael Dell dropped out of the University of Texas to focus on Dell computers.
Richard Branson dropped out of High school.
So why is school so important?
Many years ago I read a book by Brain Sheer titled “making money out of thin air”. One of the chapters read “if you want to be rich, don’t go to school”. So does this mean that the formal educational system is useless?
Well I think not. However I think the formal educational system if flawed and incomplete. I think it’s incomplete because it left out a vital part. In fact In my opinion it left out the most important part which is financial education.
Here are some reasons I think the educational system is flawed and incomplete.
1. The formal educational system creates employees not employers
This flaw in the formal educational system is perhaps one of the biggest flaws and its been argued that this flaw was deliberately put there by those who created the modern day educational system. Many say it’s a conspiracy that is supposed to keep people under. Here is a statement by G. Edward Griffin to support that thought.
“the purpose of the foundation(the general education board) was to use the power of money, not to raise the level of education in America as was widely believed at the time, but to influence the direction of that education… the objective was to use the classroom to teach attitudes that encourage people to be passive and submissive to their rulers. The goal was – and – is to create citizens who were educated enough for productive work under supervision but not enough to question authority or seek to rise above their class. True education was to be restricted to the sons and daughters of the elite. For the rest, it would be better to produce skilled workers with no particular aspirations other than to enjoy life”
G Edward Griffin
in the creature from Jekyll Island
on the Rockefeller General; Education Board
founded in 1903.
Culled from Rich dad’s conspiracy of the rich.

Call it a conspiracy or not, it is obvious that most of the courses in our educational system are supposed to make you a good employee. Yet around the world, particularly at this time there are more cries on the government to create more jobs. How are they supposed to do that? Any government that creates more jobs without first creating more entrepreneurs is signing up for debt, big debt, because more people would be paid for doing jobs that less people can do and when a government spends more than it is making, the only way out would be to get into debt.
So instead of saying the government should create more jobs, we should say they should help create more entrepreneurs. Which means people should seek a different kind of education and in my opinion we can’t get that kind of education in our classrooms. At least not yet. This leads me to what I think is the second flaw in the formal educational system.
2. The formal educational system does not teach people how to have their money work for them.
This is another point to note. Money is a very important part of our lives whether we admit it or not and to think that the subject of such importance is not really taught in schools is very sad. This point is not unconnected to the first point I raised saying that the formal educational system creates employees not employers. Our current educational system comes from the Prussian system(modern day Germany), a system designed to create good employees and soldiers, people who blindly follow orders, waiting to be told what to do, including what to do with their money.
In school we are taught and programmed to work for money and not to have our money work for us. So when some of us find out the possibility of our money working for us we go around looking for someone to tell us what to do with it. So some finance expert “who is probably an employee too” would tell us to put it in the stock market and we do, later he says take it out and put it in so and so business and we do. This makes us lose money most times as Warren Buffet would say “it’s only on wall street that people would drive in a Rolls Royce to take financial advice from someone who takes the subways”. This is because we don’t know how to handle our money. It’s not the stock market or business that makes you rich, its knowledge. Knowledge is the new currency. So if you want to be rich you have to play it the way the rich do. You have to start learning how to make you money work very hard for you and where do you get such knowledge? Definitely not in our current educational system.
3. The formal educational system punishes people for making mistakes.
In our current educational system, failure is a taboo; failing makes your life a living hell. Maybe worse. So students grow up primarily with the fear of failing, which translates into the fear of even trying. People don’t ever want to try new things because failing will attract punishment. Do you remember those days when your test scripts were to be delivered to you? Well, I do. If you failed, your teacher would beat the living daylight out of you, your classmates will laugh at you and then you’ll still have some explaining to do to your parents. But does a child get beaten when he is trying to walk and falls down? No, he is encouraged to try again, and again and again until he gets it right. Now you can see a big flaw in our educational system. That child goes on ahead to walk and even run but the students lives the rest of his life afraid of failing or even trying. This is not to encourage failing but to encourage those that fail that they can be more than they presently are.
4. The Formal Educational System uses the teaching technique that produces the lowest level of learning
People learn better by doing the real thing, using simulations of real life experiences, games or participating in group discussions, but in school we’re mostly taught by the reading and lecture method which is the least way of learning in what is called the cone of learning.

Participating in group discussions according to the school system is called cheating especially during tests. Yet we expect these individualistic minds to sit together at a board meeting and collectively come up with ideas as a team. How ironic. I guess this explains why most board meetings are spent arguing over little things because to all of us individually, what we have to say is better than what the other person has to say. Yet the bible says “two heads are better than one”.

I said earlier that the current educational system is not useless but just flawed and incomplete. I think its still relevant because it gives us two things;
1. Academic Education; the ability to read, write and solve basic math problems
2. Professional Education; which is the knowledge of a trade in which to earn money. Like being a doctor, lawyer etc. but in today’s world it takes more than professional education to be financially successful.
So what’s missing?
Financial Education; which is essential to financial intelligence which is an ability to make your money work hard for you so as to help you pass it on to generations unborn. So where can you get this kind of education? First, you cannot get them in school, at least not yet. You could get them in books, seminars and conferences. As Mark Twain said “I have never let school interfere with my education”. Neither should you.
Here are some books, websites and blogs that have been useful to me and I hope would be to you too.
 Richest man in Babylon
 Rich dad, poor dad
 Think and Grow rich
 The game of money
 Why we want you to be rich
 Play more of these board games- monopoly and cashflow
For more info on the Prussian educational system please Google Prussian educational system.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


According to R. Buckminster Fuller, wealth is measured in time and not in figures. For example, if your cost of living is a thousand Naira per day. (That means you have to pay people for either goods or services to the tune of one thousand Naira per day) if you have thirty thousand naira, that means you are just thirty days rich. So the only way you can be truly wealthy is for you to make sure that someone else is paying somebody else you owe that way cash flows into your account consistently.(curled from my book "the game of money")
so you cannot think u're rich if u have a million in ur account. the most important question is how do i make sure that i dont run out of supplies.
u dont nid billions to be financially free. u just nid an income that comes consistently and a lifestyle that helps you spend less than you make. because with the wrong spending habit a billionaire could go flat broke.
but thats not all u nid to be truelly financially free. stay tuned for more.

Monday, May 24, 2010


Time is one commodity we all have in equal measure. Then why is it the same time that makes people rich is the same time it takes for someone else to be poor. It’s simple, it’s because TIME IS MONEY and the sooner we realize this, the better for us. It’ll help us not to waste our time on minors. Always see time as an opportunity to invest. Never do tomorrow what u can do today, always put all your best into the now time of your life and most importantly, plan as though u have a thousand years to live, but live as though today is all you have. Time is money and money is value, so when you put your best into every moment you are most likely to create value which in itself is money.
Av a great day.

Friday, May 21, 2010


It’s very important to note that we only get paid for the problems we solve. But are all made to solve all problems? Well, I guess not. I believe that for everyone alive there’s something that turns us on. Something we really love doing, something we’re passionate about. I was watching the biography of a football player and he said “football is something I would play without being paid and to be paid so much for something I would also do for free is exciting”. I believe if you follow your passion, you’ll also find out that money flows in that direction for you.
Passion is one of the secret of the richest people in the world. Ask yourself this question, which one came first. The MONEY or the PASSION for service?

Thursday, May 20, 2010


Making money is not a mystery. Just look around you, find a problem then solve it. That’s all it takes to be rich. So if u want to be a millionaire find a simple solutions that is worth millions. What if you want BILLIONS simple, get a billion worth solution. In our world people always have problems, but its those with the solutions that make all the money.
Look around you, everything you pay for around you solves a problem for you or have you ever paid for anything that solves no problem for you? Well , I guess not.
Then why don’t you look for a problem to solve so u too can make money. Just write a list of all u and people around you need and see if you can provide a solution to one of them. Dats all it takes to start on your way to riches.
Av a great day.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


the bible lets us know dat God gives d power to get wealth(Deut 8;18) anoda translation says d power to generate ideas. the truth is dat everything we see all around us was initially an idea. i dont care wat it is, it first had to exist in someone's mind first before it became a reality. so wat we really nid is IDEAS. Sam Adeyemi said "ideas rule the world" how true. but how do we get these ideas. we only get them by sourcing them from the greatest idealist, the person that had the idea to create this world. have u thought about it that dis world, everything in it including u were God's idea. think about the complexity in the human being; 106 bones, 14billion cells, 10 billion brain cells, 120 trillion cellular brain connections, a cellular brain cell arrangement that has been called the complex arrangement of matter in the universe. and it was all God's idea. how rich do u want to be. u could get that idea from God. and u know wat? He's more willing to give them to you dat u are to get them.
av a great day.

Monday, May 17, 2010


Thanks a lot again for your responses to all the previous articles. Today we’ll be considering another shocking fact about money. Here it is. INCOME RARELY EXCEEDS PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT.
Isn’t it amazing that many poor people spend a lot of time wishing someone somewhere just hands them a million naira. That’s why many people spend a lot of money on lotteries. But here is the truth, you can never earn more than you’re worth. Irrespective of your wish, for you to earn more, you have to be more. The bible says “as a man thinks in his heart so is he” so for u to be a millionaire u have to have developed yourself to being a millionaire. Get knowledge, work on your mind, work on your dreams(make them big enough) and most importantly get your motive right. All these factors make you who you are. The truth is this; if they all add up to mean you’re a millionaire, it doesn’t matter worth u earn right now. It’ll always increase or decrease to match with who you are on the inside.
Have a great day

Friday, May 14, 2010

Everybody owes 2

gud day,
am sure u're expecting to know the next fact i have to share about money. well here it is
yeah everybody owes. its not a rite exclusive to the seemingly poor people, its an experience common to all men. how? Everytime u pay for anything u buy, wat u're actually doing is PAYING WAT U OWE SOMEBODY ELSE. for every product in the market theres already somebody out there that owes the manufacturer. the person might not know it yet but soon enough he'll go to the market n buy that product and wat did he just do? He went to pay his debt.
for example, as we speak now there are 78.5 million active users of mobile phones in Nigeria. just imagine, if we all use an average of N30 daily on airtime credit and i tink we use more. We'll be paying over 2.3 BILLION to all the telecoms networks in nigeria. IMAGINE 2.3 BILLION LEAVING OUR POCKETS EVERYDAY. dats why d price of sim packs have gone down drastically. cos dey make more money by making us debtors to them. and it happens in evry sector; food, clothes,everything. so wen next u buy anything remember that u're paying ur debts. we're all indebted to somebody somewhere. the real question is WHO IS INDEBTED TO ME. wat am i doing dat will make people buy my products or services hence paying me wat they owe me.
he who buys only loses, but he who sells gains.
av a great day.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Money responds to ideas

Gud day, tanx alot for your response on the first shocking fact about money it was really useful.
do you want to live the gud life, drive ur dream car, live in ur dream house and do all d things u really want to do in life?
den u nid to know the second shocking fact about money and here it is.
tink about it; all u see rite now was some1's idea, d car u drive, even dis computer u r using rite now. the bigger ur idea d richer u can be.
if u want to b a billionaire, den u nid a billion dollar or Naira idea and wat could dat be. simply put; its the solution to a problem dat a billion people have.
dats the truth AN IDEA IS JUST A SOLUTION. its not something vague. just look around u make a list of d problems u and evry1 around u face den tink of how to solve it. or tink of how to improve on an already made solution. dats d fastest way to be rich.
remember MONEY IS A SLAVE TO IDEAS wherever ideas are money is on its way there. become a money MAGNET generate ideas.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


in the next few days we would be considering some shocking facts about money.
1. THE POOR ALWAYS HATE THE RICH; have you not noticed that the poor n middle class just dont like rich people. they think rich pips r greedy, dupes, thieves, wicked, and all d bad things in the world. why you may ask, is it that this rich folks r really that bad or is it something else. without excusing the fact that a very small fraction are like that i have a theory that WHEN WE SEE SOMETHING WE LIKE IN PIPLE WE HAVE TWO OPTIONS;
we could respect it and ask how they got it or
we could stand back and call them devils.
but heres the REAL reason why the poor n middle class cant be rich. IF U THINK RICH PIPLE R BAD & U DONT WANT TO BE BAD, DEN U CANT BE RICH. so many of us shoot ourselves in the leg by wat we think of the rich. you can never attract wat u critisize. havent u noticed that the only servant in the parable of talents that ended poor as the only one that tot his master was a harsh man.
if you want to be rich appreciate and bless the rich and if you dont, then u dont have a chance at all.
av a great day.

Monday, May 10, 2010

wat happens to vision 20:20:20

Our beloved president is now late, but wat happens to his dream of Nigeria being one of the top 20 economies by the year 2020. many of us might look at this dream as a far fetched dream, building castles in the cloud. but really wat makes a great economy. i think its the no. of successful people in the country. so if u start solving problems, start making money and eventually become financially free you would be helping urself rich but in the big picture you would be a part of the fulfilment of late president Umaru Musa Y'ardua's dream.
lets personalize this dream because trully it's actually the profesy of ourlives.
remember the game of money is "who is indebted to who"

Monday, March 8, 2010

theres plenty money to go round for everyone

everyday the CBN ensures that more money is put into the system or taken out. this is determined by how well the economy is doing.
now heres the point; dont ever think that all the money in the world or the country is in the hand of some MEGA RICH GUY. he might have it for now but tomorrow new money would enter the system and you as well as everyone else determines where that money would go. start solving PROBLEMS and some of it would be headed your way.
money is currency; which implies thgat it is a form of current. a current that flows in the direction of solutions.
remember that MEGA RICH GUY i talked about earlier, that GUY could be YOU if you make sure that part of the money coming into the system tomorrow comes to you.

why not solve your own problem GET RICH

the problem in our world today cannot be solved by just the government because they seem to be as perplexed about the issue as we are.
heres my idea of a solution. GET RICH!
getting rich for urself would be good for you and the country.
think about this; if u had more money, you would spend more money, invest more money, do more good. and put more money into the system. in doing all this things people would be affected positively
so even if its for the sake of humanity GET RICH. humanity depends on it.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

money is only an idea


“Money is not real,
The only real thing is the production
and consumption of value”

History has it that before the concept of money was invented we had what was called the trade by barter system. This meant if I needed anything I had to look for someone who both had what I wanted and needed what I had. Then, money was invented. Cowry, gold, paper notes and the electronic format of money as we have them today.
With the recent trend in world economics and the seeming rise of the Chinese economy, I think it is important that we understand all these issues from the factor that controls them all.
In the 1970’s President Richard Nixon of the United States of America took the dollar bill off the gold standard because he realized that more gold was leaving the country than the country was receiving in other words they were consuming more than they were producing and money is a currency, implying that it is a form of current, a current that flows from consuming nations to producing nations still the US experienced the largest trade deficit of 661.8 billion dollars in 2005(Guinness book of records 2008 edition). This meant when you find the difference in dollars of what departed the US in trade (in 2005), you would get a stunning sum of 661.8 billion dollars, the US had gotten on the wrong side of the game of money. So who was on the right side? China with 2 billion citizens has a whopping 90% middle class citizen. They are the ones getting the money. Why? Because they understand that if you start solving problems you will make debtors of everyone else. It’s not only the US that has the problem. Several other developed and developing nations also have this problem. Here in Nigeria, we were known to be one of the largest exporters of agricultural produce. We had a strong currency because ‘money’ as current was flowing into this country. Then, came the oil boom in the late seventies but revealed its real face as an oil doom in later years. Lately most of the goods consumed in Nigeria is imported, then what? The Naira has been falling and so is the standard of living. People started blaming everyone else: the government, their parents, the constitution, their friends, even God for their lack of money. But they have forgotten that before money was trade by barter. Even though the system has changed, the idea has not; the idea has just been well packaged into a paper or polymer note. This note is an IOU (I owe you) handed to you by the government. This note doesn’t mean you have money “in a sense” it only mean you have value. And value starts where and when it is produced but ends where and when it is consumed. So money really is not real. If you have seen a twenty pound note you’ll discover if you look closely, you notice that the chief cashier of the bank of England wrote that. “When you present this not you’ll be issued 20(twenty) pounds” meaning what you have in your hands really isn’t 20(twenty) pounds, it’s just a proof that you have a value worth 20 pounds with the government.
“Even though the system has changed,
the idea has not;
the idea has just been well packaged
into a paper or polymer note”

So money is just an idea. An idea that works for those who produce value and fails for those who only consume value. Therefore, in monetary terrains, money flows from the consumers of value to the producers of value. Because money is not real, it is only a medium of exchange, a measure of value and a unit of account. Hence THE ONLY REAL THING IS THE CREATION AND CONSUMPTION OF VALUE. Money is only an idea. An idea that works in favour of those who understand the game of money.

Everyone owes

all the money in the world are constantly on the move.
all d money in your pocket right now came from somewhere or someone and is going to someone. thats what the game of money is about.
as long as you are alive, u are indebted too someone. how? when you buy anything, anything at all what you are actually doing is paying what you owe somebody else.
for instance,
for every microsoft software ever produced there's someone out there that is already indebted to Bill Gates. the fact is the person doesnt even know it yet, but after a week or matbe a month he goes out to buy a PC with a microsoft operating system installed into it. at that point he just paid his debt to Bill Gates.
this world with its over 6.2 billion people is full of people that owe. this is not exclusive to the seeming poor folks. its an experience common to all people. for whenever you pay for something, you just paid what you owe someone else and i'm sure you've done plenty of that today.
so heres the question.